Daniel Kautz

Tick – Tock

Got off on a mental side trip this morning I have been doing some repair / time tuning on a long case pendulum clock (a.k.a. grandfather’s clock) in my home. I know the swing period of the pendulum is what regulates the accuracy of the time keeping. Lengthen the pendulum which slows the period of oscillation and the clock runs slower. Shorten length for faster timing (which should be obvious.) I started timing the “ticks”...

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Just Ask

Before it is too late… I just read one of those “paid by the column-inch” web articles that proliferate the internet. I linked the column-inch term as many readers (the one or two) of this blog may not be familiar with the term. The articles are usually very trivial as the author is getting paid by the inch to fill the space available. Here is the core of that story. Time changes peoples views and...

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AWS Cloud

I didn’t mention in the previous post the new KautzCraft LASER website is installed on its own virtual server in the Amazon Web Service (AWS) cloud. Of course its actual location is irrelevant and only of interest to me. One of my many hobby interests is building web sites. Because I can.  The easiest way to deploy a web site is through the use of a website provider. I presently use Mochahost. GoDaddy is another well...

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The Cutting Light

Working my way into a new creative hobby. I am a sucker for anything high technology. So LASER engraving and cutting is right in my “wanna do” bucket list. I considered personal LASER machines many years ago. There were two big problems. First was the high cost and the second was finding some really good excuse for needing one as a hobbyist. The hardware vendors back then were only interested in selling the high cost...

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