Daniel Kautz

Merry Christmas 2019!

Been posting too much of the negative. Complainers and Big Brother. Not total doom and gloom, but I want to be more positive. HA! Christmas is a good time to start. On this day a savior was born. Joy to the world. The list goes on… Why wait until New Years… I can start now with resolutions. Here is a Christmas tree I 3D printed. Not an original design by yours truly, but it reminded...

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Barbarian Tweets

I am constantly amazed by the lack of language literacy from the people whom represent many of the complainers posting negative user reports and user forum comments. They often struggle to put two words together in a logical sequence. Much like a barbarian tweeting. But then, one does not need to be literate in English to complain. Some are obviously struggling with English because it is not their native language. English is definitely tough to...

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Big Brother, can you spare a dime?

The MAC mini used here just did an OS upgrade to Catalina Version 10.15.2. Don’t know if that is good or a possible problem. Nothing seems amiss, so I will assume it is good. I have a friend who is suspicious of upgrades these days. Sometimes they seem to cause as many issues as they claim to resolve. I don’t pretend to be expert in personal computer OS developments. I do think both Apple and...

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Moved Again!

I have posted on this before. (I have used this picture before, about a year ago…) Not wanting this to be a re-occurring theme. I had to switch web-hosting services again. Web hosts are service companies that provide access to the internet. Moving 20 (some) websites and many with a necessary separate database (WordPress and Joomla for example) is a major effort. This is at least the fifth time I have made a major move....

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