Daniel Kautz

Domain Reduction

One of my pastimes is hacking around with website creation and publication. I usually build a new one for each of my new activities. Then I give them their own unique web address. Just because I can. The site creation is a form of entertainment for me playing with my computers. I have owned and supported well over 20 domains, all at the same time. Some were chosen to support my on-line business activities. Most...

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More LASER Talk

My LASER engraving activities started out slowly. I intended for it to be a slow start. It’s not like I don’t have anything else I like doing. It’s been fourteen months and I enjoy doing my LASER projects, Also made improvements to my 5 watt diode LASER. There is another BLOG where I post about my projects – KautzCraft LASER. Check it out if you want more details. From my view, the LASER engraver is...

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Whiners and Winners

Whiners and Winners The most annoying of the two above titled character groups is the first. They are the less successful people of the world. The Winners can sometimes be annoying to me as well. Only because I am not comfortable with over expression of one’s own self praise. Praise of ones achievement should be harvested from others, not generated personally as a brag. But I tolerate bragging of winners far better than the whining...

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Ramblin’ Dan’s Store – RIP


After much consternation, I have closed “The Hobbyist Machine Store”  A.K.A “Ramblin’ Dan’s Store.” It was my website-only business where I sold hobby machine tools. At first was the Proxxon tool line. Proxxon started competing with their dealers on price, so I left Proxxon after a few years of good sales. Taig Tools has been my remaining primary product line for many additional years with absolutely great service from Taig with their dealer program. However,...

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