I won a 3D printer from a company in China named Tiertime. They make a number of 3D printer machines. I own three of their Cetus models. They are small with very little frills. Print quality is outstanding. They are now working on a dual color single nozzle 3D printer they have named Cetus2. It’s at least twice the size in every dimension of the original Cetus, which means eight time the volume. Not the...
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Bite My Tongue
KickStarter Backer Forums If you have ever been involved in a corporate (or other) structured brainstorming session, you will immediately recognize some of the same structure in the Cetus2 KickStarter product backer forum. The rule in structured brainstorming is there are no bad or wrong initial ideas. Participants are encouraged to occasionally be as far off-the-wall with suggestions to stimulate new ideas or a different way to look at a present-state condition, which is the...
Continue reading...Tiertime Announces Launch of Cetus2
Revolutionary 3D Printer with On-the-Fly Material Switching 3D printing experts Tiertime, recently announced the launch of Cetus2, an advanced printer that uses an innovative new print head design making it possible to use one nozzle and switch seamlessly between multiple materials and colors on the fly. No need for nozzle alignment and no need to stop or print purge tower, Cetus2 is time and material saving, and capable of fast material switching during printing. This...
Continue reading...My 3D Junque Factory
I have taken a serious look at hobbyist level 3D printing. Two kinds of hobbyists. The ones tinkering with the hardware and software (firmware) still stuck in the RepRap phase (and loving it!) – building a “better” machine that can build itself. The other hobbyist is the plastic Junque maker (like me) printing tons of plastic on Chinese made hardware. No US manufacturer of 3D printers can really compete (in price) in the base hobbyist...
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