Web Publishing

TEDEX is alive! 

Like Lazarus, TEDEX has arisen from the dead. But Jesus wasn’t involved this time. Just a friend of mine named James. Named after the brother of Jesus, perhaps. But there are several James in the scriptures… In any case, TEDEX was a BBS forum I created and operated on the Internet for several years when I first got into machine shop hobby work. It had between 50 and 100 members that contributed.  But after a...

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Domain Reduction

One of my pastimes is hacking around with website creation and publication. I usually build a new one for each of my new activities. Then I give them their own unique web address. Just because I can. The site creation is a form of entertainment for me playing with my computers. I have owned and supported well over 20 domains, all at the same time. Some were chosen to support my on-line business activities. Most...

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Atahuapla Dead after 15 Years

Out with the old and in with the new. I started this blog 15 years ago and began using a WordPress template named Atahuapla. I had no idea what that name meant, but I liked the template as it has (had) a lot of custom configuration built in. Found out later Atahuapla was the last Inca Emperor during the times of the Spanish conquest. Actually killed in 1533, 479 years ago! Maybe I should have paid...

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Some Space in the Attic

The BLOG for “The Hobbyist Machine Shop” has lived with it own private URL (http://thmsblog.com) since conception. It always was a bit extravagant for it to have a private domain. I was young and reckless in those days and new domain registrations were cheap. Now retired, I look for more conservative ways to do things. A blog for “The hobbyist Machine Store” should live in a sub-domain of “The Hobbyist Machine Store”. It does not...

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