The “Star Wars” fantasy evil empire exists. Not exactly in the form presented in the movies. The evil empire has the sign “WWW”. Yes, the World Wide Web and the internet data system. The epic battle scenes are in cyberspace rather than outer space. On the surface, the empire presents itself to most people as a doer of much good. But it also has a very dark side. A very, very dark side. There is...
Continue reading...Observation
Bad Science
The public knowledge is being overrun and polluted by bad science in the name of entertainment. I am seeing it everywhere and although I can recognize it for what it is, I believe there may be a great number of people, especially our developing youth who don’t recognize it. The entertainment almost always starts out with a “what if?” or “perhaps” and then a “maybe then…” The producers are very careful to not say what...
Continue reading...SEO Search Engine Optimization
There are a bunch of Bozo’s (the clown) who think being first in a search engine review, to make the top of the list in a search. is the most important objective in writing a blog. They pound me with Spam posts and emails to “help” me obtain that superior status. Guess what? I have no intention or need to style my writing to a bunch of cockamamie format rules because some search engine will...
Continue reading...Honor
What has happened to honor? It seems a lot of boys and girls don’t know what that means these days. I can’t call them men and women even when they are old enough. There are adults who have never matured into people with honor. Those who have no clue, think honor is only a military phrase. Honor is taught (or used to be) in the military at all levels. Especially embedded into officer training....
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