
Whiners and Winners

Whiners and Winners The most annoying of the two above titled character groups is the first. They are the less successful people of the world. The Winners can sometimes be annoying to me as well. Only because I am not comfortable with over expression of one’s own self praise. Praise of ones achievement should be harvested from others, not generated personally as a brag. But I tolerate bragging of winners far better than the whining...

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It’s About Time

It’s About Time I am going to display my complete ignorance of cosmic science. I don’t mind. Just my opinions and wild guesses, same as everyone else. But worth exactly the same as the science pros who get paid to do the same. Ha! Speed, distance, time, are all human terms of measurements. Time forms all basis of measuring. Only “aware” living organisms developed ways or need to sense effects of time and create measurements....

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Tick – Tock

Got off on a mental side trip this morning I have been doing some repair / time tuning on a long case pendulum clock (a.k.a. grandfather’s clock) in my home. I know the swing period of the pendulum is what regulates the accuracy of the time keeping. Lengthen the pendulum which slows the period of oscillation and the clock runs slower. Shorten length for faster timing (which should be obvious.) I started timing the “ticks”...

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Excessive/Aggressive Marketing Semantics

When is marketing/advertising excessive?  Every day is the correct answer. Every external world contact activity is crammed with marketing propaganda to make people dissatisfied with their present condition. It’s gone far beyond creating simple product/services awareness. How we look, how we smell, what we own, how we are educated, everything we are “missing” in life! It is never ending pressure to trade our financial resources (spendable present and future incomes) for what we must have...

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