
Giant Suck

I have abandoned Facebook for (I think) the third time. FB has some good points and I enjoy keeping in touch with “real” friends and family. I do not judge my self-worth by how many long-lost and stray-cat “friends” want to join me.  My real friends know how to otherwise keep contact with me if they desire. The political climate and vicious personal  attacks have driven me away again. The fraudulent advertising is also no...

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Ramblin’ On

Creative Manufacturing Art and My Personal Philosophy Best of Both I have one outstanding way of creating wax masters for lost wax casting. I use a high-speed spindle (up to 25,000 RPM) on a Taig Micro Mill. If I can draw it properly, I can machine it in 3D. The limitation is the 4-axis ability of this machine. That doesn’t sound like much of a limitation to most machinist. 4 axis means X, Y, Z...

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Internet Outage

We experienced a two (plus) hour outage of our internet yesterday. Almost all our external communication is delivered by that system. The cable television, home phone line and of course our Internet data feeds are dependent on that connection. Its importance is second only to our electrical power feed. Our home is 100 percent electrical energy dependent. The immediate effect was how quite everything in the house had become. The power was on but only...

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Barbarian Tweets

I am constantly amazed by the lack of language literacy from the people whom represent many of the complainers posting negative user reports and user forum comments. They often struggle to put two words together in a logical sequence. Much like a barbarian tweeting. But then, one does not need to be literate in English to complain. Some are obviously struggling with English because it is not their native language. English is definitely tough to...

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