When is marketing/advertising excessive? Every day is the correct answer. Every external world contact activity is crammed with marketing propaganda to make people dissatisfied with their present condition. It’s gone far beyond creating simple product/services awareness. How we look, how we smell, what we own, how we are educated, everything we are “missing” in life! It is never ending pressure to trade our financial resources (spendable present and future incomes) for what we must have...
Continue reading...Musing
Safety First Window De-Ice
I used my small 1500 watt electric room heater (using low 750 watt setting) to thaw out our two iced-over autos. Dry windows in about 1/2 hour. One must of course have a long extension cord (I use for yard work) and access to 120 volt power. Safety Concerns The heater must be one with a finned ceramic block heat core and fan with NO RADIANT open filament emission meaning no light emission. Just warm...
Continue reading...Big BOOM – II
This week started with a literal BANG! Lightning again struck my house here in Frisco, Texas. This is the second time. First time was Monday June 29, 2009. A little over 11 years ago. Search “lightning” (upper right corner) on this blog for more information. (Yes, this blog is much older than ten years.) This one was on Sunday morning August 30, 2020. About O500. One hell of a wakeup for a Sunday morning. (Words carefully...
Continue reading...Giant Suck
I have abandoned Facebook for (I think) the third time. FB has some good points and I enjoy keeping in touch with “real” friends and family. I do not judge my self-worth by how many long-lost and stray-cat “friends” want to join me. My real friends know how to otherwise keep contact with me if they desire. The political climate and vicious personal attacks have driven me away again. The fraudulent advertising is also no...
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