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Job: Love or Hate

I must be a very lucky or unusual person. Being a native U.S. citizen is the first (number one) reason for this awareness of luck. I have always loved every paid “job” I have had. Perhaps because I considered them a possible occupation. My work has always defined who I am. It’s where I spent most of my time and so always made the best of the experience. I have never been afraid to work...

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Peace At Last?

The extreme amount of spam and filth entering my email inbox has been overwhelming for years. Most of it duplicated many times over and over. Literally hundreds of SPAM emails per day. I developed  a routine of mass deletion. Usually Command A (select all) then delete. Poof! 50 emails gone. But that usually just moved them to the trash folder. So I had to repeat the action again there. There may be a way to...

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Empty Dealership

Made my annual trip to my GTI Volkswagen dealership today. Annual because that is how often I have my oil changed and the required State vehicle inspection performed. Vehicle registration time again for me. Unknown by me, the dealership had changed ownership but not the main name. I walked into the show-room after leaving the service area, to sit and wait for the work to be completed. I was stunned to see a totally empty...

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Following a Map, Learning or Training?

Learning Learning is a process about trying things to see what happens. It’s a process of experience. The learning is in the realization there may be  other actions that produce more desirable results. Testing the alternative actions is part of a learning process. Experience is understanding results, the cause and effect, of both correct and incorrect actions. The testing does not have to be physical. Einstein and many other great thinkers run “tests” mentally. But...

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