Seizure Research

I thought researching something as mundane as what type of anti-seize compound would be proper for my 3D printer nozzle would be an easy task. What I found was a few standard ingredients for a variety of applications. But then a very poor (meaning non-specific) explanation of how, when, where each “blend” of materials should be selected.

What this indicates is not many makers of the anti-seize material have taken the time and effort to publish (on the internet) a substantial product selection guide. It may exist but it is just been difficult for me to discover with a  key word search.

Suffice to say, I did find enough information to select one of the products.

But there was also conflicting information from the non-professional opinion givers.

It is certainly convenient to sit at the computer and search for information on the internet. But one has to go beyond the first “opinion” and try to get a mental “consensus” of what is accurate information and what is not.

Most of the information I found was promotional advertising disguised as a “user guide” a simple repeat of manufacturers specifications. It seemed to be a product where the customer is expected to know what type, when and where to use it.  There is more information on how to apply the product than there is on how to make a proper purchase selection, based product additive ingredients.

It’s the special additives that is promoted as the selection difference

The result is that I am now much more knowledgeable about the selection of anti-seize materials presently manufactured. Just not completely clear of when one is better or worse to use than another.

Bottom line: Something is better than nothing unless nothing is better than something. Yeah, really. There are some cases where engine spark plugs can go either way… depending on how the plug is manufactured.

Just a bit smarter than I was yesterday.