Under great pressure

I have been under a lot of pressure these days, literally! The pressure I am talking about is air pressure that is stored in a tank. I have a very old compressor and tank that was once part of my roofing business tools. It was old when I bought the company. It was saved when I closed the company has been pressed into service in my workshops for another 10 years.

It is a two cylinder, CI, oil filled, “thumper”. The problem is it is now blowing oil into the pressure tank. After blowing air for my CNC mist system for two hours, the shop is full of oil vapor haze and it has to be doing nasty’s to my lungs. It doesn’t hurt the CNC milling but the vapor is making me sick.

Old Madden

New Kobalt

So I just bought a new Kobalt brand shop compressor with a 26 gallon tank. (The tank has a label that says 30 Gal.) It is a high speed oil less system. This thing is as loud as the old one but in a different (higher) frequency range. It runs the CNC mister fine with no oil so mission accomplished.

I can also go back to my high speed air turbine powered wood carving. I stopped doing that for awhile as I was afraid the oil mist (my hand piece is oil less) would mess that up too.
