Internet Outage

We experienced a two (plus) hour outage of our internet yesterday. Almost all our external communication is delivered by that system. The cable television, home phone line and of course our Internet data feeds are dependent on that connection. Its importance is second only to our electrical power feed. Our home is 100 percent electrical energy dependent. The immediate effect was how quite everything in the house had become. The power was on but only...

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Facebook 2020

I did some heavy editing on Facebook yesterday. Had to dig deeply into the back-end and clear out all the standard settings on advertising preference, privacy, people I don’t want to “follow” (I never chose to follow any of them). I am so tired of Facebook trying to analyze my activities and judge what I want (they want) me to “see”. I am this close  –> . <– to shutting down Facebook again for at...

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A Better Link System

The stay-at-home confinement has placed additional loads on Internet activities. My spouse,Gloria is a piano music teacher. Her students entering our home have long been a source of infectious disease into our home. Gloria has always taken precautions with disinfectant wipes and arousal air spays. Long before the Covid-19 issue. But what has changed is lessons are now provided by audio/video computer links with Face-Time and Skype. Video conferencing has been working for lessons but...

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In Flanders Fields

It’s Memorial Day, May 25, 2020 Used to be called “Decoration Day” in the USA when I was a kid. It’s a day we honor those who died in war defending the principals of freedom the USA deems important enough to defend to the death. Sometimes war may be more than just about freedom., but that is another story. Today is not to argue the reasons, but to honor those who died.  There are many...

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