Moving Day

I just moved the TEDATUM web site. I was working with POWWEB for several years and all seemed fine. Then “they” decided to move the whole operation from the west coast of the USA to the New England area. A big event they tried to keep a non-event. They did a pretty good job, actually. I jumped in right after the move and tried to do some updates to the TEDEX forum that runs in...

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Hello world!

Welcome to Ramblin’ Dan. This is my first post. Check the date and you can see this is fresh off the keyboard as the first entry. Please take the time, since you have come this far, to say hello too! Join by registering below on the right and post a response to this message. This is an open site for all to read. Eventually discussions will fall into catagories such as family, friends, work, hobbies,...

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