
Maker Hobbies

Spending some time contemplating the personal allure of 3D printing in the hobbyist (non industrial application) realm. I am not making general assumptions for every person. Just how I see what’s happening in my experience. All hobbies are (or should be) a form of enjoyment of the time spent. Hobbies are all about available time and resources not required for daily survival such as food and earning a living supporting a desired level of life...

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More LASER Talk

My LASER engraving activities started out slowly. I intended for it to be a slow start. It’s not like I don’t have anything else I like doing. It’s been fourteen months and I enjoy doing my LASER projects, Also made improvements to my 5 watt diode LASER. There is another BLOG where I post about my projects – KautzCraft LASER. Check it out if you want more details. From my view, the LASER engraver is...

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January 1, 2022. A start of a fresh year to go and explore. Probably just more of the same activity for me. My fun comes from my creative hobbies. Mid year I should have a new 3D printer toy to explore. The Tiertime Cetus2, a dual filament single nozzle FDM. Until then I have plenty of other toys around here, with which to play.  My Peripheral Neuropathy (PN) is progressing and my walking is getting...

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Tiertime Announces Launch of Cetus2


Revolutionary 3D Printer with On-the-Fly Material Switching 3D printing experts Tiertime, recently announced the launch of Cetus2, an advanced printer that uses an innovative new print head design making it possible to use one nozzle and switch seamlessly between multiple materials and colors on the fly. No need for nozzle alignment and no need to stop or print purge tower, Cetus2 is time and material saving, and capable of fast material switching during printing. This...

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