Mama and Ducklings in the Sky

Lucy in the sky with ducklings

Not actually in the sky, but it looks that way. We had a very heavy rain in the morning. Not a lightning and thunder, but a good hard rain.  The lake actually flooded and overflowed the banks. It was temporary and in less than an hour the lake was back to normal height. 

The day became very bright and clear and you can see the clouds that remained. I went to the edge of the lake to survey what the flooding may have done. Nothing of importance.

But mama duck brought her 5 ducklings over to introduce them to me. I assume she thought I was going to offer some food as that is what many lake visitors have trained our ducks (and geese) to expect. But not from me.

I saw the clear, calm water and the excellent reflections. I realized I had my phone in my pocket and grabbed this shot before the opportunity vanished. No way to plan this short of picture. Just realize when it happens and be lucky enough to have a camera of any type.

Oh yeah… I was going to title this picture, “Lucy in the Sky with Ducklings” 🙂