FaceBook, I Quit!

Just shutdown my FaceBook account. More than shutdown. I totally deleted it. Maybe… 

The are now two options. Just shut down but leave everything in place. Or… Option #2.  Shutdown and clear all data. I chose option #2.

FaceBook promises to delete EVERYTHING in 30 days. I don’t know if that is true, but with me gone, it’s rather useless data.

I clearly see what “Social Media ” has done to all our lives. My generation used to think the “boob tube” (television) was brainwashing and a bad influence. (it still is, BTW.)  But the Cell Phone with “social media” is 1000% worse. 

The family visits, and after a meal, everyone has a cell phone stuck in their face. It’s Face Book, Twitter (X), Tic-Tok, and all the Kopy-Kat variations. We no longer have the presence of being where we are.

It’s created a totally different social and learning structure for the impressionable youth and many easily influenced adults. 

“No, Ralph and Mary – all humans may be “created” (egg and sperm) equal at conception , but that changes rapidly through gestation (birth defects) and mental development after birth.” Social media is not proper fertilizer for developing intuitive understanding of true and false. It all looks the same on FaceBook.

I have never seen so many anxiety and depression relieving drugs openly marketed in my entire 70+ years of existence. Could the cause be social media?  The cable video is just as bad, presenting “bad science and hoaxes as real” for “entertainment value.”  It is all programmed intentional brainwashing.

The amount of false and intentional misleading propaganda freely published as “entertainment” for me, IS depressing. It’s now OK to “lie and exaggerate” because “everyone knows it’s not real.” NO – Not true!

The adage was, “It must be true. It’s published in the newspaper.” That’s changed to, “It must be false, It’s published on Face Book.”

 No true, life changing discovery, is going to be documented first on FaceBook. 

When the impressionable (youth and many adults) are flooded with misinformation (brainwashing), they loose the ability to determine fact from fiction. The human psyche for the desire to knowingly publish such misinformation is far too complicated for discussion here. But open forum publishing like FaceBook makes it extremely easy for any person to scam-post anything and everything with almost zero Vetting.

It’s not about a USA constitutional right to free speech. Free Speech is NOT the right to lie and deceive. Intentional misinformation should bring great wrath upon the perpetrator.

My personal solution is to stop participating in the Great Hoax. Just like you can stop reading this Blog whenever you want.