The NEX Step

After doing about as much study and homework as I care to do, I made a new  camera purchase decision. There is a previous post about the joys of the hunt. For almost 10 years I have enjoyed the photographs I have taken with my Sony DSC F-707 digital camera. So I decided to stay with the brand. Not that it is any better than all the others, but it fits my comfort zone. I...

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The Picture is Clear

I have been doing a lot of research on buying a new digital camera for about a week. I consider myself to be what is called a prosumer. Not professional but a high level of technical ability consumer. I thought people buying machine tools were fanatics about all the details in the search for the perfect machine tool. I have read so many conflicting camera reports, it is hard to draw a conclusion on the...

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A Net Book

User report on the Asus Eee 1005HAB PC net book computer. This review will be on Net Book (NB) computers in general. The specific model I am using may no longer be in production so I’ll try not to be too machine type specific. I originally bought this computer because it was a refurbished net book with very good advertised battery life. It is claimed to get 8 hours from a recharge. My experience with...

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Business as Usual

I get so involved with my workshop blog (THMSBlog) and working in my shop, I don’t spend a lot of time making additions to Ramblin’ Dan. I try to keep the work shop talk out of here, but sometimes I just should make some comments. I run a world wide internet based business offering small machine shop tools and parts. About half my customers are outside the USA. That means I do a lot of...

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