Amateur Radio

Very and Ultra Radio Active

I am back on VHF and UHF amateur radio again. My old equipment, an Icom IC-24AT proved out to be a totally dead cat. (Sorry cat lovers, but it happens.) I had to get a new one. The small hand held “Handy Talkies” or Handheld Transceivers (HT) have gained a lot of “features” since the late nineteen hundreds when I purchased the Icom. A plain old HT radio only, no longer exists. The long standing Yeasu FT-60...

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Amateur Radio thoughts 2015

Local ham radio friends have been stirring the embers of previously low fire ham radio interests. I am still active running a digital mode called PSK31 on the short wave bands but otherwise not as extremely active as I once have been. It’s mostly because of my many other interests. There wasn’t time for all my interests when I was working 12 hour work days. I did enjoy a night’s sleep when I could work...

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Icom IC-24AT

I know the title doesn’t mean much to most folks. It is the model number of a dual band amateur radio VHF/UHF hand held transceiver. I used it a lot well before cell phones became popular. It is at least 20 years old, probably more. After the Field Day visit I decided to dig this “rig” out of the dust and spiders at the back of my junk shelf. It’s really not junk. As far as...

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P.A.R.K. Field Day 2015

Two fellow Amateur Radio Operators, James – KW5CW, “Fuzi: Dave – KG5IBQ and myself – W5EHS visited the Plano Amateur Radio Klub (PARK) Field Day event. It was located in Russel Creek Park in Plano, Texas. I was once very active in this group, but work demands let me slack off active membership for about the last decade. I was publisher for the newsletter for several years at that time and created the first digital format....

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