Who’s Afraid?

I seem to always have a lot of irons in the fire. I am still working full time (plus) in my career work and that seems to be getting busier all the time. Large corporations are always changing in sometimes mysterious ways. Well, they seem mysterious when communication is not as good as it should be. Change is what all large corporations have to do and a lot of what I am involved in these...

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Turning a Light On

This is the CD drive I took out of my “SandBox”computer. It had a fairly severe buzz and vibration noise and I was afraid I would lose its use just when I needed it the most. Like loading or reloading an OP system. Yes, It is a Lite-On brand but it was the cheapest drive of that brand I could find. It is true you get just what you pay, doesn’t matter who made or...

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WIN8 OS, My Semi-Final Thoughts and Opinion

I have had the time, 6-8 weeks of trying out the new WIN8 OS so now I can make an experienced and qualified judgment of what it does for me. I have posted earlier WIN8 discoveries in this blog. I am running, screaming and hollering, clutching WIN7 OS tightly in my hot little computer-user hands. What? Yes, I said WIN7! Ha! I am just using a vivid metaphor to get some attention to my conclusion....

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Flash Wars

Still playing with Windows 8. I have been getting Flash errors in Internet Explorer 10 which was provided in Win8. Doing some internet research I discover MS has vowed to abolish browser plugins, most notably Adobe Flash. Well, Adobe Flash is sort of there as MS has built it into IE10. When I started getting Flash errors in IE10 (messages said I needed an update) I went to Adobe and I couldn’t even read the...

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