The extreme amount of spam and filth entering my email inbox has been overwhelming for years. Most of it duplicated many times over and over. Literally hundreds of SPAM emails per day. I developed a routine of mass deletion. Usually Command A (select all) then delete. Poof! 50 emails gone. But that usually just moved them to the trash folder. So I had to repeat the action again there. There may be a way to...
Continue reading...TEDEX is alive!
Like Lazarus, TEDEX has arisen from the dead. But Jesus wasn’t involved this time. Just a friend of mine named James. Named after the brother of Jesus, perhaps. But there are several James in the scriptures… In any case, TEDEX was a BBS forum I created and operated on the Internet for several years when I first got into machine shop hobby work. It had between 50 and 100 members that contributed. But after a...
Continue reading...Digital Clock Project
Couldn’t decide which one of my many hobby blogs to post this project. It covers several. Electronics and 3D printing. The electronics is a $15+ Chinese made soldering kit. All the tiny electronic components and a printed circuit board (PCB). Available at Amazon. Definitely NOT a beginners kit. It’s a good way to get all the components. There are complete operating digi-clocks at this price, so it is not a quick path to a cheap...
Continue reading...New Year for 3D Printing
The new year 2023 will see me starting with two new three dimensional printers with which I can create new items I design. Both use plastic filament and are called Fused Deposition Modeling or FDM printers for short. Both are dual filament printers but of totally different methods of handling the filament. I prefer FDM printing for items that I intend for practical use and not just decorative display. The highest resolution 3D printing (for...
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